Can I participate in a class without signing up?

Although we encourage everyone to sign up for a class in advance, if you would like to spontaneously join your friends then please feel free to come. We will do our very best to try and accommodate you!

How does the waiting list work?

If the class you sign up for is already full, then we will automatically put you on a waiting list. Please note that being placed on a waiting list does not automatically register you for a class. If/when a seat opens up, we will send you an email (to the address provided to us) at least 3 hours before the class is scheduled to begin.

What if I’m not artistic?

Not to worry! Our classes are specifically designed for beginners in mind. However, there is enough to challenge and interest students of all skill levels. The instructor will provide basic techniques and guide you step-by-step through every aspect of the featured painting. He/she will also periodically walk around the class to make sure no student is left behind and to answer any questions you may have.

Can I paint something other than what everyone else is painting?

To ensure the class runs as smoothly as possible (within the allotted time frame), we do recommend that you paint the same painting as everyone else. However, you are also encouraged to be as original as you like. Feel free to use different colors, brush strokes, and/or other design elements that express your own personality. That being said, if you were to go on and paint something entirely different, then you do risk missing out on the provided instruction and potential camaraderie of the group.

Do you require a minimum number of students to hold a class?

Yes. We will teach a class as long as at least six (6) people have registered and paid. The maximum amount of participants for any given class will be twenty(20).

What time do I need to arrive for a class?

The class will begin at the time as listed on the calendar. However we strongly encourage students to arrive 10-15 min early in order to sign in, choose a seat and get settled. Our doors open 20 minutes before the listed start time. All classes start on time and late arrivals will be responsible to catch up with the rest of the class.

Milyen anyagokkal dolgozunk ?

A festés során akrill festéket használunk, amely nem káros az egészségre és a ruhából is eltávolítható. Kötényt biztosítunk, ennek ellenére javasoljuk, hogy olyan ruhában gyere, amit nem féltesz túlzottan.

What should I wear?

We will provide you with an apron. But just to be on the safe side, you may want to also consider wearing something that you won't mind getting paint on. We use acrylic paint, which is water-soluble yet can stain clothes. Acrylic paint is fast-drying and once dry it does become water-resistant.